H.blooms Vitaqik Liposomal
VitaQIK™ Liposomal Turmeric delivers 2000mg Turmeric in a non-staining, fast delivery sublingual spray. Great tasting, sugar, gluten and dairy free and vegan friendly - Simply spray under the tongue for enhanced absorption and maximum uptake.
Easy. Faster. Effective.
Usingliquid liposomal technology sprayed under the tongue, each VitaQIK™formula is sugar free, vegan friendly and tastes delicious. Compactenough to keep in a handbag or sports bag, this new high-tech supplementrange can be used anytime, anywhere to deliver nourishingnutraceuticals into the body for more rapid absorption.
Liposomesare microscopic spheres made of phospholipids (the basic buildingblocks of cell membranes). These phospholipids encapsulate and protectnutrients until they reach their destination, each tiny vesicle beginsabsorbing as soon as there is contact with the mouth, kick starting theabsorption process before being swallowed into the acidic gutenvironment.
State of the Art Guarantee
Themanufacturing of VitaQIK™ liposomal sprays uses the same high-techequipment, rigorous processes, and tight particle size controls used bypharmaceutical companies, for maximum efficiency.
Turmeric has become very well known for its health benefits with an affinity for joint and brain health.